Three steps to a successful, secure 物联网数字化业务

组织者Mauro Rizzi

物联网 innovation is transforming enterprises. 一个简单的, secure solution to onboard the flood of devices will be required to grow your 物联网数字化业务.

物联网 devices are changing the way we do business, 我们互动的方式, the way our cities are secured, and the way first responders respond. These devices are insinuating themselves in every aspect of our lives.

As 物联网 becomes a critical enabler for digital business processes, and as the number of devices surges, so too do 物联网 security concerns. The question is; how do we ensure these billions of devices don’t compromise our networks?

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In order to ensure that this flood of devices doesn’t compromise our networks, three major actions will be required to connect, manage and properly secure 物联网 devices. They are: discover, segment, and monitor.

发现: First, every object connected to the network must be discovered and classified. Identifying each 物联网 device is essential to define the network requirements and implement policies such as, 服务质量, 安全性和带宽. These parameters will become part of the device profile in order to easily manage the service that is automatically created by the network.

: Second, and 在这里’s the crucial part. It is essential to segment a single physical network into separate virtual networks, or containers. This will ensure that each service, 或应用程序, has its own dedicated segment so that in the event of a security issue, specific 物联网 device traffic can be contained and easily blocked from communicating with other parts of the network.

根据Gartner, “by 2021, more than 60% of all 物联网 devices on enterprise infrastructure will be "virtually segmented" from traditional business applications, up from less than 5% today.”

监控:第三, 物联网 devices need to be monitored to ensure that t在这里 is no unusual activity and that the devices and applications are functioning as intended. Each authorized object is stored in an inventory so that IT knows exactly and instantly, how many devices are connected on the network, along with the vendor device type and serial number, the exact location in the facility, 以及网络上的状态.

Having a finger on the pulse of the network lets IT managers be proactive rather than reactive. Tapping into the device vendor inventory provides the information managers need about w在这里 devices are on the network at all times. Ensuring that all network-connected assets are clearly identified in the database, and that they are maintained or upgraded, based on a predetermined timeline, greatly improves the global information system security. And, staying ahead of any potential issues is more than half the battle.

Simplified, secure 物联网 onboarding

Simplifying configuration is key to handling the influx of 物联网 devices; doing it securely is the challenge. The highest security risk with 物联网 devices is not on the objects themselves, but rather the doors they open to other network segments. Once the object is compromised and hacked, the whole enterprise network becomes vulnerable. When you consider the fact that enterprises connect millions of devices, the challenge becomes clear.

The Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise 物联网 Containment solution provides access to a database with over 17 million 物联网 devices to quickly identify a connected object and automatically provision a configuration associated with a specific device. T在这里 is no need to manually search for devices on the database, this is done automatically.


With the ALE 物联网 containment solution, devices are quickly and securely onboarded while protecting the network at the same time. Once a device is discovered and profiled in terms of an authorized application, the solution virtually segments the physical infrastructure to make sure each object connected to the network receives the correct 服务质量 (QoS), 带宽, 和安全. The network leverages the user, object, and application profiling capabilities to easily and automatically create and assign virtual networks to each 物联网 device, making sure that only the right application(s) can run within a container.

A single management system, which can only be achieved with a single physical network, monitors all 物联网 systems and users providing complete visibility and control.

物联网数字化业务 in your industry

With 物联网 containment healthcare providers can operate a converged network that is virtually separated, enhancing security for all patients, 临床医生, 工作人员, and visitor devices and functions. 在酒店业, a smart room with high-speed, high-quality Wi-Fi helps hoteliers grow their business and provide guests with an unforgettable experience. 从学习到研究, 物联网数字化业务 touches almost every aspect of the education environment. In the transportation industry 物联网 can increase safety, improve the passenger experience, as well as drive down operational costs. 对于政府来说, 物联网 enablement and containment is improving how municipalities gather data with the potential to transform the public sector.

Learn more about how ALE 物联网 solutions enable enterprise customers across industries to transform a single physical network into a secure multi-service network, 让他们成长 物联网数字化业务.

组织者Mauro Rizzi

组织者Mauro Rizzi

Network Business Development Director, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Mauro joined ALE in 2009 to support the Central Mediterranean Countries with his presales skills and abilities. He then took the challenge to move to the position of business developer for the SEMEA region and visited quite a lot of customers around the globe and especially in Africa. Mauro is currently in charge of the development of the ALE networking business through the assistance and support in the roadmap definition and evolution. He supports the development of the marketing assets for inbound and outbound campaigns and special, dedicated programs meant to enable partners to be able to sell more and get more out of the solution proposed by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.

Mauro graduated as an Electronic Engineer from the University of Brescia and then achieved an MBA from University of Padua. 组织者Mauro Rizzi, 38, is a fitness and technology lover



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