New ICT requirements create new System Integrator challenges

a man smiling for the camera
avril 03, 2023

Understanding new security, certification and supply chain requirements get System Integrators in the U.S. Federal ICT game.

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信息和通信技术(ICT)领域的转变已经改变了全球组织的游戏规则. However, 也许没有人比在政府环境中工作的系统集成商更能感受到这一点, certification, 全球供应链的合规性和不稳定性造成了前所未有的不确定性.

When the world was catapulted into disruption, 政府机构被迫搁置任何可能正在进行的数字化转型计划. They needed to rapidly ensure remote worker environments were secure, products were certified, and that the supply chain met government standards. A tall task at any time — a monumental task in globally uncertain times.

An evolving ICT market creates evolving challenges

As we settle in, 为解决过去三年的疑虑而引入的改革正在被重新审视. 新常态要求新的部署利用云网络来满足公民的服务期望并支持员工混合工作. This has created significant challenges for System Integrators as new security, 必须满足可靠性和技术要求,才能提供政府所需的ICT解决方案.

此外,全球供应链问题造成发票延误,影响运营成本, 不断发展的安全性和遵从性需求使集成工作进一步复杂化. To deliver the networks governments demand, today’s System Integrators must:

• Source more efficient and intelligent network infrastructure solutions

• Deliver more functionality while keeping a close eye on costs

• Leverage network infrastructures that can be quickly and easily delivered, configured and maintained

网络和数据安全仍然是系统集成商面临的最重大挑战之一. A 2020 review of data breaches exposed the U.S. government’s susceptibility to attack across all levels. 最严重的四次攻击包括对人事管理局(Office of Personnel Management)的入侵, the Department of Veteran Affairs, the National Archives and Records Administration, and the U.S. Voter Database.

Today’s federal government ICT networks are more complex than ever. Hardware and software for communications and computing, Internet of Things (IoT) devices that enable smart buildings, surveillance and security solutions, and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), all connect to a main operations center either on premises or in the cloud. 每个连接的设备和接入点都为任何想要渗透网络的不法分子创建了一个进入网络的潜在网关.

A secure and reliable supply chain

Secure networks require secure supply chains. 联邦政府部门必须确保他们聘用的供应商通过安全的供应链提供关键的ICT要素.

Two 2021, U.S. Executive Orders put a spotlight on ITC supply chains. 第一次会议的结果是,商务部(DOC)和国土安全部(DHS)就如何加强供应链弹性提出了八项建议. 一项重要的建议是通过安全透明的供应链来建立弹性,“采购和监测工作,如为联邦政府实施多氯联苯的有保证供应商计划,并在商务部建立关键供应链弹性计划。.第二项行政命令制定了加强软件供应链安全的指导方针, as well as minimum standards for vendors’ testing of their software source code..

这些努力的目标是减少后门进入关键ICT基础设施的可能性. What that means for System Integrators, however, 是向联邦政府机构提供信息通信技术硬件和软件的过程变得更加规范和保护. 系统集成商现在必须确保他们提出的任何解决方案都符合新的安全供应链要求和标准,然后才能响应RFP.

而系统集成商可能会找到能够满足大部分或所有要求的供应商, 寻找可靠和持续的硬件和软件供应的挑战将持续一段时间. The global semiconductor shortage further exacerbated already stressed supply chains, 一些分析师预测,短缺将继续影响大多数火狐体育手机,直到2024年或更晚.

Certified and compliant

In the U.S. 系统集成商还必须确保他们交付的产品符合联邦政府标准. 这意味着为国防部(DOD)合同提出的网络解决方案必须在国防部信息网络(DoDIN)批准产品清单(APL)上。. And to be on that list, all products must be certified to meet major security standards, such as the:

• International Common Criteria guidelines and specifications for IT security

• U.S. Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) compliance tests

• U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2

尽管并非所有联邦政府的rfp都要求认证以满足特定的国防部标准, 能够提供符合这些认证的产品的系统集成商可以在游戏中占有一席之地.

除了上述所有问题,“购买美国货”的要求还增加了另一个层面的挑战. 新规定规定,联邦采购政策现在要求所有采购都必须使用更高水平的“美国制造”产品. Under the “Buy American” program, products must “have at least 60% of the value of components made in the U.S., up from the current threshold of 55%. The rules will increase that standard to 65% in 2024 and 75% by 2029.”

Delivering secure, compliant and flexible solutions

It goes without saying that providing ICT integrations to the U.S. federal government has changed significantly over the last few years. 正确的网络解决方案将是提供全面集成的关键,从而使政府雇员之间以及与公民之间能够有效地交换信息, wherever they are. Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise’s partnership approach, 卓越的专业服务和提供政府ICT解决方案的良好记录使我们成为全球系统集成商值得信赖的合作伙伴. Secure, 兼容和灵活的网络为基于云的应用程序提供了重要的链接,这是必不可少的. The Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch family of products goes beyond supply chain and network security standards, are TAA-compliant, included on the DoDIN APL and certified to meet major security standards. Learn more about our network solutions for defense and civilian agencies, healthcare, transportation, aviation and justice.

a man smiling for the camera

Steven Kleinpeter

Director of Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise US Federal Sales

Steven Kleinpeter曾担任阿尔卡特朗讯企业美国联邦销售总监11年, and has over 30 years’ of experience in Federal Communication networking.

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