How hotel Wi-Fi and networks impact the hospitality business

Cristina Grigoras
giugno 25, 2019

In this first blog of the Smart Hospitality Networks series, we explore the latest trends in the hospitality industry and their effects on hotel networks

Without a doubt, this is the era of Smart Hospitality. Gartner and the Hospitality Technology Magazine say that a key technology trend for 2019 is to 高度集成的智能空间交付, using automation and augmented intelligence with the help of the Internet of Things (IoT)*. This is true to a degree for all industries, and even more so for the hospitality industry.

我们已经展望了未来. According to our recent hospitality industry technology trends survey, around 60 percent of hoteliers identify voice-enabled devices and artificial intelligence as the technologies with the most potential in the near-future. 目前住院预算, guest Wi-Fi and smart TVs are the primary investments in guest-facing technologies in 2019, 由客户移动应用程序跟踪. In summary, guest Wi-Fi, mobility and in-room technology are still the baseline technological investments in the hospitality industry.

3 pillars of digital transformation infographic

Connectivity, 移动和数字承诺, the three main pillars of digital transformation in the hospitality industry

未来的天气怎么样? By 2020, most of the digital engagement leaders in hospitality (88 percent) will have location-based系统 in place and 45 percent of all hotels expect to have their first artificial intelligence and voice command system.

为了将来能做到这一点, hotels have to address several challenges today, 他们和我们分享了什么. 51%的酒店, two innovation adoption issues are emerging: integration with existing infrastructure and security concerns. These seem to be the main challenges besides network overload, as 73 percent of hoteliers believe that networks will be strained by guest streaming and generating multimedia content.


An overview of hoteliers' main challenges in digital transformation

Hotel businesses will grow smarter with new services from the cloud, big data analytics, 机器人和人工智能. Smart rooms will become the guests' private space, offering cutting-edge technology able to make them feel at home. Outside the room, guests will expect to enjoy personalized and mobile services everywhere within the hotel premises.

And all of these new services depend on a solid, intelligent network. 在这个竞争日益激烈的景观中, where the guest experience is one of the top differentiators for hotels, the network must transform into an active player in delivering guest experiences. And enable value-add services capable of providing the hotels with additional revenues.

In this new Hospitality Networks blog series, our Hospitality network expert Ana Mata will explore how an adapted hotel Wi-Fi combined 基于位置的服务, IoT and smart analytics can become a powerful loyalty tool and a source of new revenue. Let's start with star hotel的wi-fi要求

To learn more, Download the Hospitality Network Solution Guide

*Hospitality Technology Magazine - Lodging Tech Study 2019
Cristina Grigoras

Cristina Grigoras

Strategic industries marketing at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Cristina is a marketing and communication specialist with 10 years experience in telecommunication, 媒体和广告. Currently Strategic Industries Marketing Manager at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. Before this role, she was Services and Professional Services Marketing-Communications with ALE. But also Brand and Strategy Manager in business media, advertising and the publishing industry. 

"My media background sparked my passion for stories. My telecom background taught me how a customer need, answered with a personalized and elegant solution, can bring together separate systems and ultimately people, to carry a business closer to its vision and its customers. Or how we say in ALE, how to make everything and everyone connect. 我的博客报道了这类经验, 我们的客户和冠军故事, backed by industry trends."

Cristina is a Chartered Marketer and holds a Communications and P.R. 布加勒斯特大学学位. 

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