

让-Francois Rey is Product marketing director at ALE. In this role, he leads the product marketing team for the Communications Business Division.



Director、Product Marketing、Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

让-Francois is Product marketing director at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. In this role, he leads the product marketing team for the Communications Business Division.

让-Francois has in solution and product marketing in the telecom and software industry. Francois is passionate about VoIP and collaboration technology and its business outcomes. previously, he held various roles in CTO and software development organizations and is the co-author of 14 patents and 4 international standards.

Francois has a Master ' s degree in Computer science from Ecole Centrale de Lille, France.

posts from the年间

digital age communications

Collaboration made easy from the cloud

It’s not just millenials; every generation, - including baby boomers, are driving enterprises to shift to collaboration tools from the cloud.

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