Jaqueline Fleming, Egoraptor et al. posing for a photo

Société d'Energie et d'Eau du Gabon (SEEG)

SEEG’s new infrastructure and call center improve customer service, support the company’s 18 sites in Gabon and reduce the cost of communications between sites.

  • 국가: 가봉
  • 산업: 에너지 및 공공사업
  • 해결책: 연결된 솔루션 및 서비스, 고객 서비스

The SEEG supplies water and energy to millions of users throughout Gabon. Thanks to its new infrastructure, the company has drastically reduced calling costs between sites while improving customer service and facilitating employee communication across 18 sites.

SEEG logo
The telephony solution enables SEEG to support our teams across the country to offer a better customer service and to generate savings. We are very satisfied!
Franck Lionel Manembe, Head of Telephony Service, Société d'Energie et d'Eau du Gabon (SEEG)

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